Dr Michael Lebowitz DC
Edited by Amy Zalbowitz NT
Care Notes
1. The schedule of supplement taking and the “Fungus Diet” starts the moment you leave the treatment room, not after one last binge. This is essential to maintain the desensitization process we began in the office.
2. So that our testing can be as accurate as possible, please DO NOT take any of your supplements the day of your next visit.
3. On the day of your visits, please keep us informed of any changes you have observed since the last visit.
4. Text, Call or Email if you have any problems or questions.
5. If after beginning to feel well you notice a return of symptoms, it may be that you no longer need to take certain supplements. This is a good sign. Contact me me so I can modify your program as needed.
6. Some patients are virtually symptom free after only one or two visits while some (usually the metal toxic patients) can take many months and only make partial progress. It is hard to predict how fast you will respond.
7. Once we have accomplished what we need to, a whole natural foods’ diet, plenty of exercise and minimizing exposure to harmful chemicals will help you remain well. Periodic checkups to catch problems early are essential.
To assist in the restoration of normal flora in the body, avoidance of certain foods for a period of time is essential. These include all sweeteners, juice, dried fruit, vinegar, alcohol, fermented soy products (miso, tempeh, and soy sauce), cheese and yeast, plus your own sensitivities. These pages have some ideas you can tailor to meet your specific needs.
Understanding the Changes
The human body is truly “fearfully and wonderfully made.” Even though there are many similarities between individuals, we have found a great variety of responses to our nutritional care program. Some patients see results within hours, others progress slowly and still others get worse before they get better. We cannot predict how you will respond; therefore, be patient, remember you did not get sick in a day...PLEASE KEEP ME APPRISED OF YOUR CONDITION. Please do not order more supplements before conferring with me, as you will likely switch what you will need.
Once care has begun, there may be a “die-off” reaction as organisms begin to die and are eliminated from the body. This may cause you to feel foggy, tired, irritable or cause headaches. Also, bowel changes may occur and/or your skin may breakout. There may be symptoms as you eliminate foods from your diet. Not only do we ingest harmful substances such as alcohol and nicotine but the organisms present in you body can also produce harmful chemicals such as alcohols and aldehydes. In one case, a patient’s blood alcohol was 0.2 (drunkenness in most states is 0.1) without having had anything to drink. The yeast/fungi in his system, just like in a brewery, were making alcohol. Therefore, as the yeast/fungi and other microbes die there are varied changes in a person’s mental and physical state.
The phenomena of layering is something we observe with patients on this program. Like peeling the layers off an onion we often find that we must resolve one problem before another can be addressed. Therefore, the supplements you take may change and how you feel may change. One layer may be dealt with easily while a subsequent layer may be very challenging. Often there will be changes in your emotions as well, don’t be surprised by unexpected ups and downs. Just as we explain getting well is like peeling an onion, we can explain getting sick like an oyster making a pearl. One small grain of sand serves as the irritant that the oyster builds upon, layer upon layer. Your problem may have begun very small and simple but has now become large and complex.
Understanding Your Diet
The diet you have been given is designed to decrease stress to your immune system by avoiding foods that stimulate the growth of fungus and yeast. Temporarily abstaining allows your immune system to strengthen and affords healing. Be sure to get plenty of fiber and water to aid your body’s detoxifying systems. This helps lower the total toxic load that your body must deal with daily.
There are several reasons to avoid the specific foods while on the diet. Simple sugars are the primary nutrients of yeast. Therefore we limit their intake, effectively weakening the yeast/fungi, while allowing your body and the supplements time to work more effectively. Fruit juices contain high amounts of sugars as do dried fruits. Vinegar, soy sauce and other products that are fermented should be avoided because they also contain yeast and molds to which your body may react.
What to Expect When You Improve Your Diet
As you move toward better eating habits you will be incorporating more foods that are closer to their natural state. These foods are higher in enzymes, vitamins and minerals and build healthier tissues. In addition it would be beneficial to omit harmful substances such as sugar, coffee, tea and tobacco.
This process does not always occur without repercussions. Your body becomes accustomed to stimulants like sugar, caffeine and nicotine. When these substances are discontinued withdrawal symptoms often occur. You may experience physical and emotional changes as the heart and nervous system calm down and function without artificial stimulation.
As you continue to eat better, the body may begin a process called “retracing”. This is rare but happens on occasion. Your body starts dumping out all the old toxins, whether from food, pollutants, and/or stress, starting with the most recent. For example, people who have past skin rashes and eruptions will often eliminate poisons through the skin with new rashes and eruptions. Some individuals may experience colds and/or flu. Other symptoms include: constipation, diarrhea, lack of energy, nervousness, irritability, depression and frequent urination.
Generally, how you treated your body previously determines the severity of the cleansing process. The great majority of patients find their reactions more than tolerable because of the many improvements they experience concurrently.
Do not expect that you are riding on an ascending escalator to health, that you will feel better and better each day until perfection is reached. This does happen frequently but some cases are more gradual and some are more rollercoaster like as they improve.
Understanding the Supplements
The supplements you have been given fall into two broad categories: those that provide something lacking and those that aid the body in ridding itself of harmful organisms and substances. These are NOT medications, prescriptions, or drugs. They are natural food supplements, herbs, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, essential fatty acids, etc.
Generally, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and essential fatty acids are important in the functioning of every system of your body from muscle contraction to digesting food. They serve as coenzymes in most chemical processes, help make-up the cell walls, are essential ingredients in hormones and bind-up toxic metals. For example, vitamin C has been shown to maintain the connective tissue between cells and the strength of the cell walls. Because viruses attack at these sites it has been concluded that vitamin C aids the body’s ability to fight off viruses. Vitamin and mineral needs can far exceed the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) in times of stress, disease, chemical exposure and other situations. Vitamin and mineral supplementation is helpful in these situations as well as helping correct food allergies, toxic metal sensitivities, migraines, inhalant allergies, restoring the immune system and improving overall health.
Herbs, amino acids, and other natural chemicals aid in increasing immune system function so as to aid the body in ridding itself of yeast/fungi overgrowth, pathogens (bad bacteria and viruses and parasites). Herbs have been used for hundreds of years by many cultures for these same purposes. Some supplements actually bind to toxic chemicals and/or metals and are then eliminated by the body.
The main purpose of the BFB essential oils we use is to degrade biofilms, interfere with communication between microbes, enhance penetration of concurrently used antimicrobials, and act as antimicrobials themselves.
The products we use are the highest quality and are also hypoallergenic. We have found that patients who have had problems taking other supplements are usually able to take these products without difficulty. The supplements we use cause few if any side effects because of their natural form. There is concern with taking some of these products while pregnant or breastfeeding. Please inform us if you are breastfeeding, pregnant or if you are planning to be.
Understanding Detoxification
We have most likely spoken about detoxification and the concept of total toxic load. We are constantly bombarded by toxins from our environment. Our bodies have many mechanisms and pathways for ridding themselves of these toxins including the liver, lungs, bowels, kidneys and perspiration. Problems begin if the total amount of toxins (total toxic load) exceeds the body’s ability to get rid of them. This can occur because of poor diet, lack of exercise, lack of sleep, overuse or over exposure to chemicals and lack of essential nutrients needed to detoxify along with genetic weaknesses. Our program is designed to allow the body to “catch up”. Changes in diet, supplements, exercise and decreasing exposure to the problem areas found in our exam all aid the immune system in healing.
To a large degree we are unable to control many things in our environment that are harmful to us. Therefore, we must focus on those things we can impact. For example, aluminum has been linked to Alzheimer’s disease. Researchers say that because of aluminum’s prevalence in the environment we cannot affect our largest exposure to it. So we must limit our exposure where we can by limiting our use of aluminum cookware, aluminum cans, antacids containing aluminum, antiperspirants and deodorants containing aluminum and baking powders containing aluminum. This is a good example of adapting to what we call a detoxification lifestyle.
Other helpful components in the lifestyle include a good diet which supplies optimal amounts of good fats, proteins and carbohydrates, lots of fiber and plenty of pure water (at least eight, eight ounce glasses per day). Also include regular exercise, three or four times per week and a minimum of 20 minutes of sunlight each day. By taking responsibility when you can and not worrying about the remainder, you can increase your health, vitality and mental well-being.
To assist in the restoration of normal flora in the body, avoidance of certain foods for a period of time is essential. Theses include all sweetening, juice, dried fruit, vinegar, alcohol, fermented soy products (miso, tempeh, and soy sauce), cheese and yeast, plus your own sensitivities that I found during the exam. These pages have some ideas you can tailor to meet your specific needs.
Fresh fruit: We do not limit fresh fruit. For a frozen treat, freeze any good ripe fruit or buy unsweetened berries or other fruit in the frozen food section. Put a small amount of ripe juicy fruit into the blender (oranges, peaches, papaya, etc) and blend till smooth. Then add small pieces of frozen fruit, keeping blender on high till it is thick. Serve with a spoon or straw. A bit of fresh mint blended into drink can be refreshing. You can also pour this mix into Popsicle molds and freeze.
Substitutes: Cooked carrots, sweet potatoes, carob powder, cinnamon, bananas, apples and other fruits can be used to help sweeten muffins, biscuits, and some sauces.
Meats: Many meats are cured or processed with sugar. Buy unprocessed meats and cook from scratch. READ LABELS
Milks: unsweetened nut and rice milk. Read labels.
Lemon Juice: replacement for vinegar
Coconut Aminos: a non-fermented sauce made entirely from soy beans to replace soy sauce which is fermented
Sauerkraut: and allowable food if not allergic to cabbage and salt. READ LABEL to make sure there is no added vinegar
Pickles: Bubbies, Hebrew National, and several other varieties which are genuine kosher are vinegar free, in a salt brine. Castle Rock Pickles are in a lemon juice brine.
SUGAR……..all to be avoided. These include:
Sucrose: Usually in a crystalline form, from cane and beets. Double sugar composted of two simple sugars, glucose and fructose.
Raw sugar: A course, granulated solid obtained from evaporation of sugarcane juice. Raw sugar is approximately 96-98% sucrose covered by a thin film of molasses. FDA regulations prohibit the sale of ‘true’ raw sugar unless impurities are removed. SUCANAT is a brand name now available in granulated form that has more of the vitamins and minerals remaining.
Turbinado sugar: Has gone through some refining process that removes most of the molasses.
Brown sugar: Sugar crystals in a molasses syrup with natural flavor and color though some refiners make brown sugar by simply adding syrup to white sugar. 91-96% sucrose.
Total invert sugar: An equal mixture of glucose and fructose.
Honey: An invert sugar formed by an enzyme from nectar gathered by bees.
Corn syrups: Corn syrup, particularly high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), is cheap to produce. Contains a good deal of "free" or unbound fructose.
Fructose: Also known as levulose. A commercial sugar, sweeter than sucrose. Found in fruits and honey.
Dextrose: Also known as glucose or corn sugar. Made commercially from starch by the action of heat and acids or enzymes. Often sold blended with regular sugar.
Lactose: Also known as milk sugar. This is usually found in homeopathic pills.
Sorbitol, Mannitol, Maltitol, Xylitol: Sugar alcohols derived from sugar molecules. Though they may be used in place of sugar by most people on a low-carbohydrate diet or who have diabetes, it is best to avoid at this time as they may act as "trigger foods," causing sugar cravings or binges. Over-consumption may produce a laxative effect. For more information see: http://www.ific.org/publications/factsheets/sugaralcoholfs.cfm
MAPLE SYRUP: Boiled-down sap of maple trees. It takes 40 gallons of sap to make one gallon of syrup.
MOLASSES: Made from 100% pure, natural sugarcane juices, clarified, reduced, and blended.
Barley Malt: Derived from a natural process that sprouts and then heats and dries barley. Maltose: Sprouted grains and cooked rice heated and fermented until starch turns to sugar.
Date Sugar: Made from dehydrated ground dates. Does not dissolve well in liquids.
Fruit Juice Concentrates: Made from the juice of fruit that has been reduced about one quarter by slow cooking.
Agave: A Sweetener Commercially Produced from Several species of Agave.
Pure Stevia is allowable on anti-fungal diet. Make sure there are no added sweeteners in the stevia.
Artificial sweeteners are not allowed.
2 c water
2 c rolled oats (or other rolled grain except barley)
¼-1/3 c nuts, seeds or coconut
¼ t salt
1 t vanilla
Blend the above till almost smooth. Preheat waffle iron. Pour on batter and bake hot 12-15 minutes. Chocolate or carob powder may be added to replace a small amount of oats. Top with pureed fruit or creamed vegetables.
1-2 T lemon juice
4 T olive oil
¼-½t salt
herbs of your choice
4 c rolled oats
1 ½ c unsweetened applesauce
1 t salt
1 c dry unsweetened coconut
2 t vanilla or orange extract (opt)
1-2 t grated orange rind
Mix all together well and spread on 2 baking sheets. Bake 250° for 2 hours or till dry, stirring occasionally.
½ c water
1 clove garlic
2-3 T lemon juice
2 t dill weed
¼-½ c tahini or cashew butter
Blend all but nut butter. Slowly add nut butter till a bit thin. Will thicken upon standing. May also add fresh cucumber and onion.
1 ½ c raw sunflower seeds
2 c water
1 small raw beet, peeled
1 c love garlic
2-3 T lemon juice or to taste
1 T dill weed or ½T caraway seed
Blend sunflower seeds and water till creamy. Add beet and other ingredients and blend till thick and creamy. Adjust seasoning and lemon juice to your taste.
1½ c rolled oats
1 large ripe banana
2-4 T nut butter, tahini, regular butter
¼-½ t salt
1 t maple, vanilla or orange extract
1 t cinnamon (opt)
4-5 large apples
Cut apples into baking dish. Mash banana with nut butter, salt and seasonings. Stir in oats. Spread over apples and bake 325° approx 1 hour.
1 c raw cashews
2 c water
1-2 T lemon juice
½ t onion powder
½ t mustard powder
¼ t garlic powder
½-¾ t salt
Blend well, pour into pot, bring to boil, stirring often till thick
More recipes here.
Link To Info on Supreme Nutrition Products
Link To Dr Lebowitz's Book
Edited by Amy Zalbowitz NT
Care Notes
1. The schedule of supplement taking and the “Fungus Diet” starts the moment you leave the treatment room, not after one last binge. This is essential to maintain the desensitization process we began in the office.
2. So that our testing can be as accurate as possible, please DO NOT take any of your supplements the day of your next visit.
3. On the day of your visits, please keep us informed of any changes you have observed since the last visit.
4. Text, Call or Email if you have any problems or questions.
5. If after beginning to feel well you notice a return of symptoms, it may be that you no longer need to take certain supplements. This is a good sign. Contact me me so I can modify your program as needed.
6. Some patients are virtually symptom free after only one or two visits while some (usually the metal toxic patients) can take many months and only make partial progress. It is hard to predict how fast you will respond.
7. Once we have accomplished what we need to, a whole natural foods’ diet, plenty of exercise and minimizing exposure to harmful chemicals will help you remain well. Periodic checkups to catch problems early are essential.
To assist in the restoration of normal flora in the body, avoidance of certain foods for a period of time is essential. These include all sweeteners, juice, dried fruit, vinegar, alcohol, fermented soy products (miso, tempeh, and soy sauce), cheese and yeast, plus your own sensitivities. These pages have some ideas you can tailor to meet your specific needs.
Understanding the Changes
The human body is truly “fearfully and wonderfully made.” Even though there are many similarities between individuals, we have found a great variety of responses to our nutritional care program. Some patients see results within hours, others progress slowly and still others get worse before they get better. We cannot predict how you will respond; therefore, be patient, remember you did not get sick in a day...PLEASE KEEP ME APPRISED OF YOUR CONDITION. Please do not order more supplements before conferring with me, as you will likely switch what you will need.
Once care has begun, there may be a “die-off” reaction as organisms begin to die and are eliminated from the body. This may cause you to feel foggy, tired, irritable or cause headaches. Also, bowel changes may occur and/or your skin may breakout. There may be symptoms as you eliminate foods from your diet. Not only do we ingest harmful substances such as alcohol and nicotine but the organisms present in you body can also produce harmful chemicals such as alcohols and aldehydes. In one case, a patient’s blood alcohol was 0.2 (drunkenness in most states is 0.1) without having had anything to drink. The yeast/fungi in his system, just like in a brewery, were making alcohol. Therefore, as the yeast/fungi and other microbes die there are varied changes in a person’s mental and physical state.
The phenomena of layering is something we observe with patients on this program. Like peeling the layers off an onion we often find that we must resolve one problem before another can be addressed. Therefore, the supplements you take may change and how you feel may change. One layer may be dealt with easily while a subsequent layer may be very challenging. Often there will be changes in your emotions as well, don’t be surprised by unexpected ups and downs. Just as we explain getting well is like peeling an onion, we can explain getting sick like an oyster making a pearl. One small grain of sand serves as the irritant that the oyster builds upon, layer upon layer. Your problem may have begun very small and simple but has now become large and complex.
Understanding Your Diet
The diet you have been given is designed to decrease stress to your immune system by avoiding foods that stimulate the growth of fungus and yeast. Temporarily abstaining allows your immune system to strengthen and affords healing. Be sure to get plenty of fiber and water to aid your body’s detoxifying systems. This helps lower the total toxic load that your body must deal with daily.
There are several reasons to avoid the specific foods while on the diet. Simple sugars are the primary nutrients of yeast. Therefore we limit their intake, effectively weakening the yeast/fungi, while allowing your body and the supplements time to work more effectively. Fruit juices contain high amounts of sugars as do dried fruits. Vinegar, soy sauce and other products that are fermented should be avoided because they also contain yeast and molds to which your body may react.
What to Expect When You Improve Your Diet
As you move toward better eating habits you will be incorporating more foods that are closer to their natural state. These foods are higher in enzymes, vitamins and minerals and build healthier tissues. In addition it would be beneficial to omit harmful substances such as sugar, coffee, tea and tobacco.
This process does not always occur without repercussions. Your body becomes accustomed to stimulants like sugar, caffeine and nicotine. When these substances are discontinued withdrawal symptoms often occur. You may experience physical and emotional changes as the heart and nervous system calm down and function without artificial stimulation.
As you continue to eat better, the body may begin a process called “retracing”. This is rare but happens on occasion. Your body starts dumping out all the old toxins, whether from food, pollutants, and/or stress, starting with the most recent. For example, people who have past skin rashes and eruptions will often eliminate poisons through the skin with new rashes and eruptions. Some individuals may experience colds and/or flu. Other symptoms include: constipation, diarrhea, lack of energy, nervousness, irritability, depression and frequent urination.
Generally, how you treated your body previously determines the severity of the cleansing process. The great majority of patients find their reactions more than tolerable because of the many improvements they experience concurrently.
Do not expect that you are riding on an ascending escalator to health, that you will feel better and better each day until perfection is reached. This does happen frequently but some cases are more gradual and some are more rollercoaster like as they improve.
Understanding the Supplements
The supplements you have been given fall into two broad categories: those that provide something lacking and those that aid the body in ridding itself of harmful organisms and substances. These are NOT medications, prescriptions, or drugs. They are natural food supplements, herbs, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, essential fatty acids, etc.
Generally, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and essential fatty acids are important in the functioning of every system of your body from muscle contraction to digesting food. They serve as coenzymes in most chemical processes, help make-up the cell walls, are essential ingredients in hormones and bind-up toxic metals. For example, vitamin C has been shown to maintain the connective tissue between cells and the strength of the cell walls. Because viruses attack at these sites it has been concluded that vitamin C aids the body’s ability to fight off viruses. Vitamin and mineral needs can far exceed the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) in times of stress, disease, chemical exposure and other situations. Vitamin and mineral supplementation is helpful in these situations as well as helping correct food allergies, toxic metal sensitivities, migraines, inhalant allergies, restoring the immune system and improving overall health.
Herbs, amino acids, and other natural chemicals aid in increasing immune system function so as to aid the body in ridding itself of yeast/fungi overgrowth, pathogens (bad bacteria and viruses and parasites). Herbs have been used for hundreds of years by many cultures for these same purposes. Some supplements actually bind to toxic chemicals and/or metals and are then eliminated by the body.
The main purpose of the BFB essential oils we use is to degrade biofilms, interfere with communication between microbes, enhance penetration of concurrently used antimicrobials, and act as antimicrobials themselves.
The products we use are the highest quality and are also hypoallergenic. We have found that patients who have had problems taking other supplements are usually able to take these products without difficulty. The supplements we use cause few if any side effects because of their natural form. There is concern with taking some of these products while pregnant or breastfeeding. Please inform us if you are breastfeeding, pregnant or if you are planning to be.
Understanding Detoxification
We have most likely spoken about detoxification and the concept of total toxic load. We are constantly bombarded by toxins from our environment. Our bodies have many mechanisms and pathways for ridding themselves of these toxins including the liver, lungs, bowels, kidneys and perspiration. Problems begin if the total amount of toxins (total toxic load) exceeds the body’s ability to get rid of them. This can occur because of poor diet, lack of exercise, lack of sleep, overuse or over exposure to chemicals and lack of essential nutrients needed to detoxify along with genetic weaknesses. Our program is designed to allow the body to “catch up”. Changes in diet, supplements, exercise and decreasing exposure to the problem areas found in our exam all aid the immune system in healing.
To a large degree we are unable to control many things in our environment that are harmful to us. Therefore, we must focus on those things we can impact. For example, aluminum has been linked to Alzheimer’s disease. Researchers say that because of aluminum’s prevalence in the environment we cannot affect our largest exposure to it. So we must limit our exposure where we can by limiting our use of aluminum cookware, aluminum cans, antacids containing aluminum, antiperspirants and deodorants containing aluminum and baking powders containing aluminum. This is a good example of adapting to what we call a detoxification lifestyle.
Other helpful components in the lifestyle include a good diet which supplies optimal amounts of good fats, proteins and carbohydrates, lots of fiber and plenty of pure water (at least eight, eight ounce glasses per day). Also include regular exercise, three or four times per week and a minimum of 20 minutes of sunlight each day. By taking responsibility when you can and not worrying about the remainder, you can increase your health, vitality and mental well-being.
To assist in the restoration of normal flora in the body, avoidance of certain foods for a period of time is essential. Theses include all sweetening, juice, dried fruit, vinegar, alcohol, fermented soy products (miso, tempeh, and soy sauce), cheese and yeast, plus your own sensitivities that I found during the exam. These pages have some ideas you can tailor to meet your specific needs.
Fresh fruit: We do not limit fresh fruit. For a frozen treat, freeze any good ripe fruit or buy unsweetened berries or other fruit in the frozen food section. Put a small amount of ripe juicy fruit into the blender (oranges, peaches, papaya, etc) and blend till smooth. Then add small pieces of frozen fruit, keeping blender on high till it is thick. Serve with a spoon or straw. A bit of fresh mint blended into drink can be refreshing. You can also pour this mix into Popsicle molds and freeze.
Substitutes: Cooked carrots, sweet potatoes, carob powder, cinnamon, bananas, apples and other fruits can be used to help sweeten muffins, biscuits, and some sauces.
Meats: Many meats are cured or processed with sugar. Buy unprocessed meats and cook from scratch. READ LABELS
Milks: unsweetened nut and rice milk. Read labels.
Lemon Juice: replacement for vinegar
Coconut Aminos: a non-fermented sauce made entirely from soy beans to replace soy sauce which is fermented
Sauerkraut: and allowable food if not allergic to cabbage and salt. READ LABEL to make sure there is no added vinegar
Pickles: Bubbies, Hebrew National, and several other varieties which are genuine kosher are vinegar free, in a salt brine. Castle Rock Pickles are in a lemon juice brine.
- Think whole foods
- Think simple
- Sit down and write out a 4-6 day meal plan: E.g. Breakfast: oatmeal and fresh or cooked fruit. Lunch: split pea soup/raw veggies/crackers or corn chips. Dinner: fish or seasoned beans/salad/cooked rice. Baked apple for dessert.
- READ LABELS: try and make things from scratch
- Drink lots of water. Grapefruit, tomato, and lemon juice are allowed if not allergic.
- Get outside, exercise to tolerance.
- Get enough rest: You are detoxing and your body is working overtime.
SUGAR……..all to be avoided. These include:
Sucrose: Usually in a crystalline form, from cane and beets. Double sugar composted of two simple sugars, glucose and fructose.
Raw sugar: A course, granulated solid obtained from evaporation of sugarcane juice. Raw sugar is approximately 96-98% sucrose covered by a thin film of molasses. FDA regulations prohibit the sale of ‘true’ raw sugar unless impurities are removed. SUCANAT is a brand name now available in granulated form that has more of the vitamins and minerals remaining.
Turbinado sugar: Has gone through some refining process that removes most of the molasses.
Brown sugar: Sugar crystals in a molasses syrup with natural flavor and color though some refiners make brown sugar by simply adding syrup to white sugar. 91-96% sucrose.
Total invert sugar: An equal mixture of glucose and fructose.
Honey: An invert sugar formed by an enzyme from nectar gathered by bees.
Corn syrups: Corn syrup, particularly high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), is cheap to produce. Contains a good deal of "free" or unbound fructose.
Fructose: Also known as levulose. A commercial sugar, sweeter than sucrose. Found in fruits and honey.
Dextrose: Also known as glucose or corn sugar. Made commercially from starch by the action of heat and acids or enzymes. Often sold blended with regular sugar.
Lactose: Also known as milk sugar. This is usually found in homeopathic pills.
Sorbitol, Mannitol, Maltitol, Xylitol: Sugar alcohols derived from sugar molecules. Though they may be used in place of sugar by most people on a low-carbohydrate diet or who have diabetes, it is best to avoid at this time as they may act as "trigger foods," causing sugar cravings or binges. Over-consumption may produce a laxative effect. For more information see: http://www.ific.org/publications/factsheets/sugaralcoholfs.cfm
MAPLE SYRUP: Boiled-down sap of maple trees. It takes 40 gallons of sap to make one gallon of syrup.
MOLASSES: Made from 100% pure, natural sugarcane juices, clarified, reduced, and blended.
Barley Malt: Derived from a natural process that sprouts and then heats and dries barley. Maltose: Sprouted grains and cooked rice heated and fermented until starch turns to sugar.
Date Sugar: Made from dehydrated ground dates. Does not dissolve well in liquids.
Fruit Juice Concentrates: Made from the juice of fruit that has been reduced about one quarter by slow cooking.
Agave: A Sweetener Commercially Produced from Several species of Agave.
Pure Stevia is allowable on anti-fungal diet. Make sure there are no added sweeteners in the stevia.
Artificial sweeteners are not allowed.
2 c water
2 c rolled oats (or other rolled grain except barley)
¼-1/3 c nuts, seeds or coconut
¼ t salt
1 t vanilla
Blend the above till almost smooth. Preheat waffle iron. Pour on batter and bake hot 12-15 minutes. Chocolate or carob powder may be added to replace a small amount of oats. Top with pureed fruit or creamed vegetables.
1-2 T lemon juice
4 T olive oil
¼-½t salt
herbs of your choice
4 c rolled oats
1 ½ c unsweetened applesauce
1 t salt
1 c dry unsweetened coconut
2 t vanilla or orange extract (opt)
1-2 t grated orange rind
Mix all together well and spread on 2 baking sheets. Bake 250° for 2 hours or till dry, stirring occasionally.
½ c water
1 clove garlic
2-3 T lemon juice
2 t dill weed
¼-½ c tahini or cashew butter
Blend all but nut butter. Slowly add nut butter till a bit thin. Will thicken upon standing. May also add fresh cucumber and onion.
1 ½ c raw sunflower seeds
2 c water
1 small raw beet, peeled
1 c love garlic
2-3 T lemon juice or to taste
1 T dill weed or ½T caraway seed
Blend sunflower seeds and water till creamy. Add beet and other ingredients and blend till thick and creamy. Adjust seasoning and lemon juice to your taste.
1½ c rolled oats
1 large ripe banana
2-4 T nut butter, tahini, regular butter
¼-½ t salt
1 t maple, vanilla or orange extract
1 t cinnamon (opt)
4-5 large apples
Cut apples into baking dish. Mash banana with nut butter, salt and seasonings. Stir in oats. Spread over apples and bake 325° approx 1 hour.
1 c raw cashews
2 c water
1-2 T lemon juice
½ t onion powder
½ t mustard powder
¼ t garlic powder
½-¾ t salt
Blend well, pour into pot, bring to boil, stirring often till thick
More recipes here.
Link To Info on Supreme Nutrition Products
Link To Dr Lebowitz's Book